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Cards & Puzzles

We are a China factory specializing in the export of cards and puzzles. Our product range includes greeting cards, flash cards, playing cards, and puzzles. If you are looking for a China factory to customize these products for you, we are undoubtedly an excellent choice.

Our factory is renowned for its high-quality production capabilities and strict quality control system. We use top-notch materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure that every product meets your expectations. For example, our greeting cards are designed with exquisite patterns and heartfelt messages, making them perfect for expressing your emotions on various occasions. Our flash cards are educational and engaging, helping children and learners master knowledge easily. The playing cards we produce are not only of superior quality but also come in various styles and themes to add fun to your leisure time. And our puzzles are challenging and rewarding, providing hours of entertainment and mental stimulation.

With years of experience in the industry, we understand the market demands and trends. We are committed to providing personalized services and customized solutions to meet your specific requirements. Choose us as your partner, and let’s create wonderful card and puzzle products together!

English: Greeting Cards

German: Grußkarten

French: Cartes de vœux

Spanish: Tarjetas de felicitación

Portuguese: Cartões de felicitações

Arabic: بطاقات تهنئة (Bitaqat tahniah)

Norwegian: Gratulasjonskort

Swedish: Gratulationskort

Danish: Hilsenkort

Finnish: Tervehdyskortit

Dutch: Wenskaarten

Polish: Kartki okolicznościowe

Irish: Cártaí beannachta

Italian: Biglietti di auguri

Romanian: Felicitări

Czech: Přáníčka

Slovak: Pohľadnice

Slovenian: Voščilnice

Turkish: Tebrik Kartları

Russian: Открытки (Otkrytki)

Korean: 인사 카드 (Insa kadeu)

Japanese: グリーティングカード (Gurītingukādo)

Looking for greeting cards supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your greeting cards !

English: Flash cards

German: Lernkarten or Karteikarten

French: Cartes flash or Fiches de révision

Spanish: Tarjetas de memoria or Tarjetas educativas

Portuguese: Cartões de memória or Cartões educativos

Arabic: بطاقات فلاش (biṭāqāt fīlāsh)

Norwegian: Flashkort or Lærekort

Swedish: Flashkort or Lärkort

Danish: Flashkort or Læringskort

Finnish: Muistikortit or Oppimiskortit

Dutch: Flashkaarten or Studiekaarten

Polish: Fiszki or Karty do nauki

Irish: Cártaí splanc or Cártaí cuimhne

Italian: Carte flash or Schede didattiche

Romanian: Cartonașe educative or Fişe de învățare

Czech: Vzdělávací karty or Paměťové karty

Slovak: Vzdelávacie karty or Pamäťové karty

Slovenian: Učne kartice or Spominske kartice

Turkish: Flaş kartlar or Öğrenme kartları

Russian: Флеш-карты (flesh-karty) or Учебные карточки (uchebnyye kartoçki)

Korean: 플래시 카드 (peullaesi kadeu)

Japanese: フラッシュカード (furasshu kādo) or 暗記カード (anki kādo)

Looking for flash cards supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your flash cards !

English: Playing cards

German: Spielkarten

French: Cartes à jouer

Spanish: Naipes or Cartas

Portuguese: Cartas de jogar or Baralho

Arabic: أوراق اللعب (awraq al-laeb)

Norwegian: Spillkort

Swedish: Spelkort

Danish: Spillekort

Finnish: Pelikortit

Dutch: Speelkaarten

Polish: Karty do gry

Irish: Cártaí imeartha

Italian: Carte da gioco

Romanian: Cărți de joc

Czech: Hrací karty

Slovak: Hracie karty

Slovenian: Igralne karte

Turkish: Oyun kartları

Russian: Игральные карты (igral’nye karty)

Korean: 카드 (kadeu) or 트럼프 카드 (teureompeu kadeu)

Japanese: トランプ (toranpu) or カード (kādo)

Looking for playing cards supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your playing cards !

English: puzzles

German: Rätsel

French: puzzles

Spanish: rompecabezas

Portuguese: quebra-cabeças

Arabic: ألغاز

Norwegian: gåter

Swedish: pussel

Danish: gåder

Finnish: pulmat

Dutch: puzzels

Polish: zagadki

Irish: puzail

Italian: enigmi

Romanian: puzzle-uri

Czech: hádanky

Slovak: hádanky

Slovenian: uganke

Turkish: bulmacalar

Russian: головоломки

Korean: 퍼즐

Japanese: パズル

Looking for puzzles supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your puzzles !

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