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Stationery & Desk

Welcome to DP, your premier destination for high-quality customized paper goods. From exquisite notebooks and journals to practical calendars and planners, we specialize in crafting a wide array of stationery and desk essentials. Our product range also includes notepads, sticky notes, desk accessories, bookmarks, Washi tape, file folders, pocket folders, file bags, envelopes, and traditional red packets.

At DP, we take pride in our commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Every item is meticulously crafted using the finest materials, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal. Our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled artisans enable us to offer bespoke solutions tailored to your unique specifications. Whether you’re seeking personalized branding or intricate designs, we deliver products that exceed expectations.

Competitive pricing and flexible manufacturing capabilities make us your ideal partner for sourcing premium paper goods. Whether you’re a retailer, distributor, or corporate buyer, DP guarantees reliability, efficiency, and superior customer service throughout every stage of our partnership.

Explore the possibilities with DP and elevate your stationery offerings with products that blend innovation, quality, and customization. Contact us today to discuss how we can meet your specific needs and exceed your business expectations.

English: notebooks

German: Notizbücher

French: carnets (de notes)

Spanish: cuadernos

Portuguese: cadernos

Arabic: دفاتر (dafātir)

Norwegian: notatbøker

Swedish: anteckningsböcker

Danish: notesbøger

Finnish: muistikirjat

Dutch: notitieboeken

Polish: notesy

Irish: leabhair nótaí

Italian: quaderni

Romanian: caiete (de notițe)

Czech: sešity

Slovak: zošity

Slovenian: zvezki

Turkish: defterler

Russian: блокноты (bloknoty)

Korean: 노트북 (noteubug)

Japanese: ノートブック (nōtobukku)

Looking for notebooks supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your notebooks !

English: journals

German: Zeitschriften

French: journaux

Spanish: revistas

Portuguese: jornais

Arabic: مجلات (majalat)

Norwegian: tidsskrifter

Swedish: tidskrifter

Danish: tidsskrifter

Finnish: lehdet

Dutch: tijdschriften

Polish: czasopisma

Irish: irisí

Italian: giornali

Romanian: reviste

Czech: časopisy

Slovak: časopisy

Slovenian: revije

Turkish: dergiler

Russian: журналы (zhurnaly)

Korean: 저널 (jeoneol)

Japanese: ジャーナル (jānaru)

Looking for journals supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your journals !

English: calendars

German: Kalender

French: calendriers

Spanish: calendarios

Portuguese: calendários

Arabic: التقويمات (al-taqwimat)

Norwegian: kalendere

Swedish: kalendrar

Danish: kalendere

Finnish: kalenterit

Dutch: kalenders

Polish: kalendarze

Irish: féilirí

Italian: calendari

Romanian: calendare

Czech: kalendáře

Slovak: kalendáre

Slovenian: koledarji

Turkish: takvimler

Russian: календари (kalendari)

Korean: 달력 (dallyeog)

Japanese: カレンダー (karendā)

Looking for Calendars supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your Calendars!

English: planners

German: Planer

French: planificateurs

Spanish: planificadores

Portuguese: planejadores

Arabic: مُخَطِّطُون (mukhaṭṭiṭūn)

Norwegian: planleggere

Swedish: planerare

Danish: planlæggere

Finnish: suunnittelijat

Dutch: planners

Polish: planiści

Irish: pleanálaithe

Italian: pianificatori

Romanian: planificatori

Czech: plánovači

Slovak: plánovače

Slovenian: načrtovalci

Turkish: planlayıcılar

Russian: планировщики (planirovshchiki)

Korean: 계획자들 (gyehoekjadeul)

Japanese: プランナー (purannā)

Looking for planners supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your planners!

English: notepads

German: Notizblöcke

French: blocs-notes

Spanish: blocs de notas

Portuguese: blocos de notas

Arabic: دفاتر الملاحظات (daftur al-mulahazat)

Norwegian: notatbøker

Swedish: anteckningsblock

Danish: notesbøger

Finnish: muistilehtiöt

Dutch: notitieblokken

Polish: notesy

Irish: blocnótaí

Italian: blocchi note

Romanian: caiete de notițe

Czech: poznámkové bloky

Slovak: poznámkové bloky

Slovenian: zvezki za zapiske

Turkish: not defterleri

Russian: блокноты (bloknoty)

Korean: 메모장 (memojang)

Japanese: ノートパッド (nōtopaddo)

Looking for notepads supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your notepads!

English: sticky notes

German: Haftnotizen

French: notes adhésives

Spanish: notas adhesivas

Portuguese: notas adesivas

Arabic: ملاحظات لاصقة

Norwegian: klistrelapper

Swedish: självhäftande notislappar

Danish: klæbe noter

Finnish: muistilappu

Dutch: plaknotities

Polish: karteczki samoprzylepne

Irish: nótaí greimléirithe

Italian: post-it

Romanian: notițe lipicioase

Czech: lepící poznámky

Slovak: lepiace poznámky

Slovenian: lepljivi lističi

Turkish: yapışkan notlar

Russian: клейкие записки

Korean: 메모지

Japanese: 付箋

Looking for sticky notes supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your sticky notes!

English: note cube

German: Notizblock

French: bloc-notes

Spanish: bloc de notas

Portuguese: bloco de notas

Arabic: مكعب ملاحظات

Norwegian: notatblokk

Swedish: anteckningsblock

Danish: notesblok

Finnish: muistilappu

Dutch: notitieblok

Polish: kostka do notatek

Irish: bloic nótaí

Italian: blocco note

Romanian: cub de notițe

Czech: poznámkový blok

Slovak: poznámkový blok

Slovenian: opombnik

Turkish: not bloğu

Russian: блок для записей

Korean: 메모 블록

Japanese: メモキューブ

Looking for note cube supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your note cube!

English: Desk Accessory

German: Schreibtischzubehör

French: accessoire de bureau

Spanish: accesorio de escritorio

Portuguese: acessório de mesa/escritório

Arabic: ملحقات المكتب

Norwegian: skrivebords tilbehør

Swedish: skrivbordsaccessoar

Danish: skrivebordsaccessorie

Finnish: työpöydän tarvike

Dutch: bureauaccessoire

Polish: akcesoria biurkowe

Irish: aicmí bhoird

Italian: accessorio da scrivania

Romanian: accesoriu de birou

Czech: příslušenství pro psací stůl

Slovak: príslušenstvo pre písací stôl

Slovenian: dodatki za pisalno mizo

Turkish: masaüstü aksesuarı

Russian: аксессуары для стола

Korean: 책상 액세서리

Japanese: デスクアクセサリ

Looking for desk accessory supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your desk accessory!

English: Bookmarks

German: Lesezeichen

French: marque-pages

Spanish: marcadores

Portuguese: marcadores

Arabic: علامات مرجعية

Norwegian: bokmerker

Swedish: bokmärken

Danish: bogmærker

Finnish: kirjanmerkit

Dutch: bladwijzers

Polish: zakładki do książek

Irish: leabharmhaircí

Italian: segnalibri

Romanian: semne de carte

Czech: záložky

Slovak: záložky

Slovenian: zaznamki

Turkish: yer işaretleri

Russian: закладки

Korean: 책갈피

Japanese: ブックマーク

Looking for bookmarks supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your bookmarks!

English: Washi Tape

German: Washi Tape

French: Washi Tape

Spanish: Washi Tape

Portuguese: Washi Tape

Arabic: واشي تيب (Washi Tape)

Norwegian: Washi-teip

Swedish: Washi-tejp

Danish: Washi-tape

Finnish: Washi-teippi

Dutch: Washi-tape

Polish: Washi Tape

Irish: Tape Washi

Italian: Washi Tape

Romanian: Bandă de washi

Czech: Washi páska

Slovak: Washi páska

Slovenian: Washi trak

Turkish: Washi Bant

Russian: Ваши-лента (Washi-лента)

Korean: 와시 테이프 (Washi 테이프)

Japanese: 和紙テープ

Looking for Washi Tape supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your Washi Tape!

English: File Folder

German: Aktenordner

French: classeur

Spanish: carpeta de archivos

Portuguese: pasta de arquivo

Arabic: ملف

Norwegian: filmappe

Swedish: mapp

Danish: mappe

Finnish: kansio

Dutch: ordner

Polish: segregator

Irish: fillteán comhad

Italian: cartella per documenti

Romanian: dosar

Czech: složka

Slovak: priečinok

Slovenian: mapna mapa

Turkish: dosya klasörü

Russian: папка для документов

Korean: 파일 폴더

Japanese: ファイルフォルダ

Looking for File Folder supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your File Folder!

English: Pocket Folder

German: Taschenordner

French: chemise à rabats

Spanish: carpeta de bolsillo

Portuguese: pasta de bolso

Arabic: مجلد جيب

Norwegian: lomme mappe

Swedish: fickmapp

Danish: lomme mappe

Finnish: taskumappi

Dutch: insteekmap

Polish: teczka kieszonkowa

Irish: fillteán mála

Italian: cartella a tasca

Romanian: dosar de buzunar

Czech: kapsář

Slovak: vreckový priečinok

Slovenian: žepna mapa

Turkish: cep dosyası

Russian: карманный папка

Korean: 포켓 폴더

Japanese: ポケットフォルダ

Looking for Pocket Folder supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your Pocket Folder!

English: File Bags

German: Aktenbeutel

French: sacs de classement

Spanish: bolsas de archivo

Portuguese: sacos de arquivo

Arabic: أكياس الملفات

Norwegian: filposer

Swedish: filpåsar

Danish: filtasker

Finnish: tiedostopussit

Dutch: dossiermappen

Polish: torby na dokumenty

Irish: mála comhad

Italian: sacche per file

Romanian: plicuri pentru fișiere

Czech: sáčky na dokumenty

Slovak: obaly na dokumenty

Slovenian: mapne vrečke

Turkish: dosya torbaları

Russian: файловые сумки

Korean: 파일 가방

Japanese: ファイルバッグ

Looking for File Bags supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your File Bags!

English: Red Packet

German: Rote Umschlag

French: enveloppe rouge

Spanish: sobre rojo

Portuguese: envelope vermelho

Arabic: الظرف الأحمر (al-zarf al-ahmar)

Norwegian: rødt konvolutt

Swedish: rött kuvert

Danish: rød kuvert

Finnish: punainen kirjekuori

Dutch: rode envelop

Polish: czerwona koperta

Irish: pacáiste dearg

Italian: busta rossa

Romanian: plic roșu

Czech: červený obálka

Slovak: červený obálka

Slovenian: rdeča kuverta

Turkish: kırmızı zarf

Russian: красный конверт (krasnyy konvert)

Korean: 빨간 포켓 (ppalgan poket)

Japanese: 紅包 (こうほう, kōhō)

Looking for Red Packet supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your Red Packet!

English: Envelopes

German: Umschläge

French: enveloppes

Spanish: sobres

Portuguese: envelopes

Arabic: أظرف (azraf)

Norwegian: konvolutter

Swedish: kuvert

Danish: kuverter

Finnish: kirjekuoret

Dutch: enveloppen

Polish: koperty

Irish: clúdair

Italian: buste

Romanian: plicuri

Czech: obálky

Slovak: obálky

Slovenian: kuverte

Turkish: zarflar

Russian: конверты (konverty)

Korean: 봉투 (bongtu)

Japanese: 封筒 (ふうとう, fūtō)

Looking for Envelopes supplier from China ? Click the button below to explore our production details and custom your Envelopes !

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